Shane E.
After doing CrossFit for 3 years I started to have some pain in my shoulders, neck and lower back. Just “pushing” through the workouts made things worse. After living with the pain and trying to workout with limited mobility for almost a year I started dialing back on CrossFit. My visits went from 4-5 times a week to 1-2 and then eventually 2-3 times a month.
My trainer suggested California Spine Rehab Center because his wife has had great results here. I was skeptical about Chiropractors, so it took me awhile to listen to the suggestion.
I am so glad I went to see Dr. Bidkaram. Not only is he a great guy and an extremely knowledgeable doctor. He takes the time to explain everything.
After a consultation and X-Rays – he saw exactly what needed to be done and we started on my treatments. That was about 2 months ago. Immediately I felt relief. The pressure in my lower back and the extreme pain in my shoulders and neck went about 70% away after the first treatment and they have not returned. It’s a slow road, but I have less and less pain as the weeks go by and my mobility is returning. I can get down into a back squat, squat cleans don’t hurt anymore and upper body movements like pull ups and hand stand push ups do not give me migraines. I still have a ways to go to win back the weight loss and recover my strength. But I would not even be able to do so without Dr. Bidkaram.
My daughter has lower back pain, and I am going to trust her back to Dr. Bidkaram.